Just as digital art is a new subject in many schools, it is relatively new here at Digital Art Teacher! The digital art curriculum we offer includes some new material and some units that have been borrowed from our graphic design and digital photography curriculums. There is so much overlap between the three disciplines, so this works out pretty well!

I want to help you start the year off right with some quick wins or a “teacher’s toolkit” that will help you feel immediately confident in your digital art classroom. But instead of giving you a week’s worth of materials (like I did for graphic design) or offering a good anchor project (like digital photography), this time I want to give you a good pretest that you can give out on the first day of school.

Of course, the content of this pretest corresponds to the curriculum that I sell, but it has many of the basics that you might expect students to learn after a semester of learning digital art through Illustrator or Photoshop.

Setting a pretest helps you know what your students learned while they were in your classroom. It also helps them to kow what they should expect to know before they leave you.

You can also see what your students already know. This way, if all or most of your students know about a certain topic, you can skip it or maybe just skim over it.

Also, if you need a good bell work activity, you can check out this article series over some prominent digital artists with free comprehensive worksheets. Just click the link to learn more!

If you’re interested in downloading the FREE pretest listed above? Click the button below and enter your email!

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