This post goes along with the How to Use Line to Lead the Eye and Keep Interest post from last week. Below you will find a few short tutorials to help you USE line in illustrator. These tutorials are short and relatively easy to follow. You will find a few notes that I’ve given to help you work through each tutorial. They should clarify some issues that you may come across as you work.


A Simple introduction to the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator 2019 

Line Tutorial

As a part of the “Learn the elements through Illustrator” series, this tutorial is actually in the middle of a 17 part video series. However, the instructions are easy to follow and if you don’t want to go through the whole series, you can just ignore the title at the top of the page and just create lines with the pen tool! The tutorial goes through THE VERY BASICS of the pen tool and would be a great place to start when you’re learning how to create lines in Illustrator!

Making Abstract Line Art in Illustrator


This tutorial is good for thinking about how lines can create interesting organic shapes through the different blending techniques. The writer gives several examples of how to use the technique in different applications. These extra options may require added Illustrator skills, however.

How to Create Line Patterns in Adobe Illustrator

line pattern

This is a great tutorial for learning how to use the line and shape tools! While the presenter doesn’t specifically talk about how the line is being used while he creates his patterns, the lines serve to draw the eye through the designs and create an interesting pattern. It is a great tutorial because not only are you creating a cool pattern, you can save the pattern for later use!

These are some great options for learning how to use line in Illustrator. There’s a wide range of ideas presented above that will hopefully further your understanding and give you a bit more confidence as you make your designs!

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