Ready to learn how to add texture in Illustrator!? In these digital art lesson tutorials you’ll take your artwork to the next level with Illustrator textures. There are a few different techniques that you can explore below and while some of them overlap, each presenter has a different style. Use the one that works best for you and leave the rest! 

 Digital Art Ideas for Beginners: How to Add Texture in Illustrator:texture05

Using the Clipping Mask with Text in Illustrator CC Video

You simply can’t learn how to do digital art without mastering the clipping mask in Illustrator. This tool has so many uses and can be used in so many different places. It’s so fun and easy to use that you may find yourself just looking for places to use it…even in the most unlikely places. This video is part of the 17 part video series on learning how to use the elements of design while learning Illustrator.

 Digital Art Ideas for Beginners: How to Add Texture in Illustrator:gradient01

How To Create Texture Gradients – Illustrator Tutorial

This illustrator project takes you through how to use the grain texture in illustrator. It will require you to also learn a bit about gradient, but it is easy to follow and the technique is not difficult to apply. 

 Digital Art Ideas for Beginners: How to Add Texture in Illustrator:Bird Illustration

How to Add and Create TEXTURE | Illustrator Tutorial (9 WAYS)

I saved this one for last because it is a bit of a doozy! While the techniques used are very helpful and they could be invaluable for you in your future projects, it is a lot of information and it could seem a little overwhelming! As the tutorial name suggests, the presenter will give you 9 different options for applying texture to your artwork. If this is too overwhelming, look below in the “What you need to know…” bullet point and just choose a couple different techniques to master, and then maybe come back another day to do some more. If you do decide to do all 50 minutes of the tutorial, go through it slowly! It is easy to miss a step if you’re not paying attention.

That concludes the texture tutorials at this time. I hope you take the time to go through these and learn some new skills. Remember, practice is the best way to learn and get more comfortable with these programs!

Click the button below to get my illustrator example for the second tutorial.

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