I wrote a post on “Using Sketchbook to Balance Digital and Physical Art” a few weeks back. Mostly I wrote about using the sketchbook as a springboard for creating art or publications in computer graphic design classes.

In the coming weeks, I will be discussing the use of Adobe Illustrator to help students learn the elements of design. As students travel through the Adobe Illustrator journey, I want them to find visual examples of the terms we discuss in class.

This is ANOTHER OPTION for introducing the elements of art through the sketchbook, which I discussed in my “Elements of Art and the Sketchbook” post.

I have them find visual examples of each element from magazines and paste them into their sketchbooks. Then, they briefly describe how they know an element has been used.

Below are a few examples:

Color 1
Line 1
Texture 1

I feel that it is just as important to teach them how to SEE the elements of design as it is to USE them in their designs. Too often, I find myself just letting them work on their art, and they lose the opportunity to learn how to see!

This cut-and-paste option may not allow the students to show their creativity, but it does let them recognize good design when they see it. And I believe that is a precious trait in a budding designer.

Do you do anything like this in your classroom? Comment below and share your thoughts.

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