You are so awesome at teaching, motivating, and encouraging you students, that I thought it was about time to reward both student and teacher with a little gift. So…
for the first time ever,
we are offering a contest which will be open to the students of teachers who have purchased the Digital Art Teacher curriculum. To enter the contest, teachers will submit completed projects from the Typography Shape lesson. Both student and teacher of the winning design will receive a prize (design books, sketchbooks, pencil kits, see below!) which will be mailed to the recipients’ school on May 24th.
So here are your logistics (see below for a printable pdf including all of this information):
Format and Submissions:
- Submissions must follow the instructions of the project page for the Typography Shape lesson.
- Each teacher may submit up to TWO designs for his/her class.
- Students may look at photographs or other art for ideas, but do not copy them. We want to see creativity in the design!
- Send the submission as a JPEG– 10 MB or less in size.
- All submissions must be school appropriate. Digital Art Teacher reserves the right to reject entries that are gratuitously violent, sexually suggestive, vulgar, or otherwise explicitly offensive.
To Enter:
Fill out the Entry Form online. If you submit more than one design, you’ll need to fill it out and submit it twice. You’ll receive an email confirmation.
- April 15: Contest opens.
- May 15: Contest closes.
- May 22: Results decided by judging panel and emailed to all participants.
- May 24: Winner posted online at
- Pieces will be judged on originality, artistry, and adherence to the theme (Typography Shape Project).
- For this first contest, Chelsea Lewis (founder of Digital Art Teacher) will be judging the designs.
- The decision of the judge is final.
Prizes for BOTH teacher and student:
- Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin
- Micron Ink Pen Set, 6 count
- Kraft Cover Drawing Notebook & Sketchbook
Prizes for teacher only (or student):
So I hope you will join us in celebrating all of your fine work and in celebrating the creativity of the students that you work to serve! THANK YOU for all that you do! Click the button below to download the pdf with all the contest info and to stay up to date with the contest dates and deadlines!
Here is the Entry Form if you want to jump to see it. Good luck!