Hope for the future

Teaching isn’t for everyone. There, I said it. It’s out there. This blog post isn’t going to try to convince you to pursue a career that will not fulfill your purpose and make you hate your life.

That being said, there is certainly something to be said for giving teaching another chance. Year one is often the tough both physically and emotionally (as it was for me), but I am very glad that I stuck it out and gave it another year.

Year two is radically better than year one. I cannot express the difference that a year of experience can make on your attitude toward teaching.

If you love being with the age group that you teach and you love the subject that you teach, then my plea is that you stick it out and give it another year. If, after a year of teaching you find that high school aged kids (or middle, or elementary) drive you crazy and you dread going to work because you don’t like any of them…go ahead and pursue other employment options. 🙂

The summer after my first year really was rejuvenating. I did absolutely NO SCHOOLWORK for the first month of the summer. I thought briefly about getting a summer job…but instead I read books, worked around my house, and sat on my couch watching Netflix. 

After my couch potato month was finished, I was finally ready to start thinking about the coming school year. I kept it relaxed. I didn’t obsess over details, I planned out the year loosely, knowing that every class dynamic is different and I couldn’t expect things to be the same year after year.

This is my advice for the summer after your first year teaching: 

  1. RELAX! A lot. If you don’t have to get a job, don’t do it. Do things that you enjoy, things that make you feel fulfilled. (Maybe some artwork of your own?)
  2. Prepare for the next year when you are ready. If that is after one month of the summer is gone, so be it. If it is after 2 months, great! Just be ready to put in the time needed whenever you decide to do it. 

I know that this may seem oxymoronic…but sometimes the obvious advice is the best advice!

Are there any seasoned teachers out there who could offer more advice for making the best of your summer? Comment below!

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